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There are 5 words containing GEHE

BRIDGEHEADbridgehead n. An area around the end of a bridge.
bridgehead n. (Military) A fortification around the end of a bridge.
bridgehead n. (Military) An area of ground on the enemy’s side of a river or other obstacle, especially one that needs…
BRIDGEHEADSbridgeheads n. Plural of bridgehead.
BRIDGEHEAD n. a fortification protecting the end of a bridge nearest an enemy.
LARGEHEARTEDlargehearted adj. Possessing the properties associated with the heart as the seat of love; compassionate, generous, benevolent…
large-hearted adj. Having a generous heart or disposition; noble; liberal.
LARGEHEARTED adj. having a generous disposition.
STAGEHEADstagehead n. The end of the stage (floating platform like a wharf) where fishermen unload their catch.
STAGEHEAD n. (Canadian) the part of a fishing stage which extends over the water.
STAGEHEADSstageheads n. Plural of stagehead.
STAGEHEAD n. (Canadian) the part of a fishing stage which extends over the water.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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