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There are 19 words containing GARM

GARMSgarms n. (MLE) clothing.
Garms prop.n. A surname from German.
GARMS n. (slang) clothes.
GARMENTgarment n. A single item of clothing.
garment n. (Figurative) The visible exterior in which a thing is invested or embodied.
garment n. (Mormonism) Short for temple garment.
GARMENTSgarments n. Plural of garment.
GARMENT v. to dress in a garment.
SWINGARMswingarm n. (Motorcycling) The main component of the rear suspension of most modern motorcycles and ATVs; holds…
SWINGARM n. the part of a motorcycle chassis to which the rear wheel is attached.
GARMENTEDgarmented adj. (Poetic) Wearing a garment; attired.
GARMENT v. to dress in a garment.
STRONGARMstrongarm adj. Alternative spelling of strong-arm.
strongarm v. Alternative spelling of strong-arm.
strongarm n. Alternative spelling of strong-arm.
SWINGARMSswingarms n. Plural of swingarm.
SWINGARM n. the part of a motorcycle chassis to which the rear wheel is attached.
GARMENTINGgarmenting v. Present participle of garment.
garmenting n. (Archaic) clothing.
GARMENT v. to dress in a garment.
GARMENTUREgarmenture n. (Archaic) clothing; dress.
GARMENTURE n. clothing, dress.
STRONGARMSstrongarms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strongarm.
strongarms n. Plural of strongarm.
strong-arms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strong-arm.
GARMENTLESSgarmentless adj. Without garments.
GARMENTLESS adj. without garments.
GARMENTURESgarmentures n. Plural of garmenture.
GARMENTURE n. clothing, dress.
OVERGARMENTovergarment n. A garment normally worn over other garments.
OVERGARMENT n. an outer garment.
STRONGARMEDstrongarmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of strongarm.
strong-armed v. Simple past tense and past participle of strong-arm.
STRONGARM v. to use forceful tactics.
UNGARMENTEDungarmented adj. Unclothed.
ungarmented v. Simple past tense and past participle of ungarment.
UNGARMENTED adj. not wearing garments.
OVERGARMENTSovergarments n. Plural of overgarment.
OVERGARMENT n. an outer garment.
STRONGARMINGstrongarming v. Present participle of strongarm.
strong-arming v. Present participle of strong-arm.
STRONGARM v. to use forceful tactics.
UNDERGARMENTundergarment n. Any garment worn underneath others, especially one worn next to the skin; an item of underwear.
undergarment n. (Religion, in the plural) Temple garments worn by the followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
UNDERGARMENT n. any article of clothing worn under another, esp. that worn next to the skin.
UNDERGARMENTSundergarments n. Plural of undergarment.
UNDERGARMENT n. any article of clothing worn under another, esp. that worn next to the skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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