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There are 13 words containing GADA

AGGADAAGGADA n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also HAGGADAH, AGGADAH.
AGGADAHAggadah n. A homiletic and non-legalistic exegetical text in the classical rabbinic literature of Judaism, particularly…
Aggadah n. Obsolete form of Haggadah; the text recited at Seder.
AGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also HAGGADAH, AGGADA.
AGGADAHSAggadahs n. Plural of Aggadah.
AGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also HAGGADAH, AGGADA.
AGGADASAGGADA n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also HAGGADAH, AGGADAH.
FANEGADAfanegada n. (Historical) Synonym of fanega (“traditional Spanish unit of volume, mass, or land area”).
FANEGADA n. (Spanish) a dry measure in Spain and Spanish America, also FANEGA, FANGA.
FANEGADASfanegadas n. Plural of fanegada.
FANEGADA n. (Spanish) a dry measure in Spain and Spanish America, also FANEGA, FANGA.
GADABOUTgadabout n. A person who restlessly moves from place to place, seeking amusement or the companionship of others.
GADABOUT n. one that gads about.
GADABOUTSgadabouts n. Plural of gadabout.
GADABOUT n. one that gads about.
GADARENEGadarene adj. Of or pertaining to the ancient city of Gadara (near modern-day Umm Qais, in Jordan).
Gadarene adj. Headlong, as of a flight or rush (With reference to the swine of Matthew VIII:28-32.).
GADARENE adj. headlong; precipitate.
HAGGADAHaggada prop.n. Alternative form of Aggadah.
Haggada prop.n. Alternative form of Haggadah.
HAGGADA n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADAH.
HAGGADAHHaggadah prop.n. (Judaism) The text which is recited at Seder during the first and second nights of Passover, focused…
Haggadah prop.n. Alternative form of Aggadah; Talmudic parable.
HAGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADA.
HAGGADAHSHaggadahs prop.n. Plural of Haggadah.
HAGGADAH n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADA.
HAGGADASHaggadas prop.n. Plural of Haggada.
HAGGADA n. (Hebrew) the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture, also AGGADA, AGGADAH, HAGGADAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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