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There are 13 nine-letter words containing GARE

CIGARETTEcigarette n. Tobacco or other substances, in a thin roll wrapped with paper, intended to be smoked.
cigarette v. (Slang, rare) To give someone a cigarette, and/or to light one for them.
CIGARETTE n. finely-cut tobacco rolled in thin paper, also CIGARET.
DESUGAREDdesugared v. Simple past tense and past participle of desugar.
desugared adj. Having some or all the sugar removed.
desugared adj. (Computing) Having had the syntactic sugar removed.
DOGARESSAdogaressa n. The wife of a doge.
DOGARESSA n. (Italian) a doge's wife.
DUNGAREEDdungareed adj. Dressed in dungarees.
DUNGAREED adj. wearing dungarees.
DUNGAREESdungarees n. Heavy denim pants or trousers, usually with bib and braces, worn especially as work clothing.
DUNGAREE n. (Hindi) a coarse cotton fabric, trousers made from this.
EGAREMENTEGAREMENT n. (French) confusion, bewilderment.
GAREFOWLSgarefowls n. Plural of garefowl.
GAREFOWL n. (Old Norse) the great auk, also GAIRFOWL.
PUGGAREESpuggarees n. Plural of puggaree.
PUGGAREE n. (Hindi) a turban, a light scarf worn round a hat to keep out the sun, also PAGRI, PUGAREE, PUGGERY, PUGGREE, PUGGRY, PUGREE.
SANGAREESsangarees n. Plural of sangaree.
SANGAREE n. (Spanish) a summer drink consisting of lemon juice, claret, sugar, ice; any sweetened wine drink.
STINGAREEstingaree n. A stingray.
STINGAREE n. a ray with a formidable barbed dorsal spine on its tail, also STINGRAY.
TAGAREENSTAGAREEN n. (dialect) a junk shop.
VINEGAREDvinegared adj. Seasoned with vinegar.
VINEGAR v. to treat with a sour liquid used as a condiment or preservative.
VULGARESTvulgarest adj. Superlative form of vulgar: most vulgar.
VULGAR adj. common.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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