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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing GABL

ABROGABLEabrogable adj. Capable of being abrogated.
ABROGABLE adj. that can be abrogated.
BLOGGABLEbloggable adj. Suitable for publication on a blog.
BLOGGABLE adj. forming a suitable subject for a blog.
BRIDGABLEbridgable adj. Alternative form of bridgeable.
BRIDGABLE adj. that can be bridged, also BRIDGEABLE.
DELEGABLEdelegable adj. That can be delegated.
DELEGABLE adj. that can be delegated.
FATIGABLEfatigable adj. Susceptible to fatigue; able to become physically exhausted.
FATIGABLE adj. easily tired, also FATIGUABLE.
FLOGGABLEfloggable adj. Able to be flogged.
floggable adj. For which a person can be flogged.
FLOGGABLE adj. of an offence, punishable by flogging.
GABLELIKEgablelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a gable.
GABLELIKE adj. like a gable.
GLUGGABLEgluggable adj. (Especially of a wine) Pleasant to drink.
GLUGGABLE adj. of wine, easy and pleasant to drink.
IRRIGABLEirrigable adj. Able to be irrigated.
IRRIGABLE adj. that can be irrigated.
IRRIGABLYirrigably adv. Such that it can be irrigated.
IRRIGABLE adv. that can be irrigated.
LEVIGABLElevigable adj. Capable of being levigated.
LEVIGABLE adj. capable of being levigated.
LITIGABLElitigable adj. (Law) Able or likely to be successfully litigated.
LITIGABLE adj. such as can be litigated.
LUGGABLESluggables n. Plural of luggable.
LUGGABLE n. a computer that is portable with difficulty.
MITIGABLEmitigable adj. That can be mitigated.
MITIGABLE adj. that may be mitigated.
NAVIGABLEnavigable adj. (Of a body of water) Capable of being navigated; deep enough and wide enough to afford passage to vessels.
navigable adj. (Of a boat) Seaworthy; in a navigable state; steerable.
navigable adj. (Of a balloon) Steerable, dirigible.
NAVIGABLYnavigably adv. So as to permit navigation.
NAVIGABLE adv. that can be navigated.
OBLIGABLEobligable adj. Acknowledging, or complying with, obligation; trustworthy.
OBLIGABLE adj. that can be obligated.
PLEDGABLEpledgable adj. (Finance) Able to be used as a pledge, or as collateral.
PLEDGABLE adj. capable of being pledged.
RELEGABLErelegable adj. Suitable for being relegated.
RELEGABLE adj. that can be relegated, also RELEGATABLE.
SHAGGABLEshaggable adj. (Britain, slang) Worthy of shagging; fuckable.
SHAGGABLE adj. (vulgar) worthy of a shag, i.e. sexually attractive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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