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There are 8 eight-letter words containing GNOM

AGNOMENSagnomens n. Plural of agnomen.
AGNOMEN n. (Latin) a name added to the family name, generally on account of some great exploit, as Africanus to Publius Cornelius Scipio.
AGNOMINAagnomina n. Plural of agnomen.
AGNOMEN n. (Latin) a name added to the family name, generally on account of some great exploit, as Africanus to Publius Cornelius Scipio.
COGNOMENcognomen n. Surname.
cognomen n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) The third part of the name of a citizen of Ancient Rome.
cognomen n. A nickname or epithet by which someone is identified.
GNOMICALgnomical adj. Gnomic.
gnomical adj. (Cartography) gnomonic.
GNOMICAL adj. resembling or containing aphorisms, also GNOMIC.
GNOMISTSgnomists n. Plural of gnomist.
GNOMIST n. a writer of aphorisms.
GNOMONICgnomonic adj. (Cartography) Showing all great circles as straight lines, and thus preserving the shortest distances…
GNOMONIC adj. of or pertaining to a gnomon, a sundial, also GNOMONICAL.
IGNOMIESignomies n. Plural of ignomy.
IGNOMY n. (Shakespeare) deep personal humiliation and disgrace, also IGNOMINY.
IGNOMINYignominy n. Great dishonor, shame, or humiliation.
IGNOMINY n. deep personal humiliation and disgrace, also IGNOMY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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