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There are 7 eight-letter words containing GIGA

GIGABITSgigabits n. Plural of gigabit.
GIGABIT n. a unit of information, a thousand million bits.
GIGABYTEgigabyte n. (SI) 109, one billion (1,000,000,000) bytes. SI symbol: GB.
gigabyte n. (Computing) A gibibyte or 10243 (1,073,741,824) bytes.
GIGABYTE n. a unit of information, a thousand million bytes.
GIGAFLOPgigaflop n. (Computing) A unit of measure for the calculating speed of a computer equal to one billion (109) floating…
GIGAFLOP n. a measure of computing speed (a billion floating point operations per second).
GIGANTICgigantic adj. Very large.
gigantic adj. In the manner of a giant.
GIGANTIC adj. huge, also GIGANTEAN.
GIGATONSgigatons n. Plural of gigaton.
GIGATON n. a unit of weight, a thousand million tons.
GIGAVOLTgigavolt n. One billion (109) volts. Symbol: GV.
giga-volt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) volts. Symbol: GV.
GIGAVOLT n. a billion volts.
GIGAWATTgigawatt n. One thousand million (109) watts, abbreviated as GW.
giga-watt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) watts, abbreviated as GW.
GIGAWATT n. a unit of power, a thousand million watts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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