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There are 17 eight-letter words containing GATI

AGATISEDAGATISE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATIZE.
AGATISESAGATISE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATIZE.
AGATIZEDagatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of agatize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
AGATIZESagatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of agatize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
ERGATIVEergative adj. (Grammar) With the subject of a transitive construction having grammatical cases or thematic relations…
ergative n. Ellipsis of ergative case (“a grammatical case used to indicate the agent of a transitive verb in ergative-absolutive…
ergative n. An ergative verb or other expression.
GREGATIMGREGATIM adv. (Latin) in flocks.
LEGATINElegatine adj. Belonging to a legate.
legatine adj. Headed by a legate.
legatine adj. Enacted by a legate.
LEGATINGlegating v. Present participle of legate.
LEGATE v. to bequeath.
LEGATIONlegation n. The purpose for which a legate is sent; a legate’s mission or commission. Now rare (cf. OED).
legation n. The post or office of a legate; a legateship.
legation n. A diplomatic mission.
LIGATINGligating v. Present participle of ligate.
LIGATE v. to tie with a ligature.
LIGATIONligation n. Something that ties, a ligature.
ligation n. The act of tying, of applying a ligature.
ligation n. The state of having a ligature, of being tied.
LIGATIVEligative adj. (Grammar) Serving to connect separate elements.
LIGATIVE adj. acting as a ligature.
NEGATINGnegating v. Present participle of negate.
NEGATE v. to nullify.
NEGATIONnegation n. (Uncountable) The act of negating something.
negation n. (Countable) A denial or contradiction.
negation n. (Logic, countable) A proposition which is the contradictory of another proposition and which can be…
NEGATIVEnegative adj. Not positive nor neutral.
negative adj. (Physics) Of electrical charge of an electron and related particles.
negative adj. (Mathematics) Of a number: less than zero.
OBLIGATIobligati n. Plural of obligato.
OBLIGATO n. (Italian) a musical accompaniment of independent importance, esp. that of a single instrument to a vocal piece, also OBBLIGATO.
ROGATIONrogation n. A deeply serious and somber prayer or entreaty.
rogation n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) The demand, by the consuls or tribunes, of a law to be passed by the people;…
ROGATION n. an asking or supplication, esp. in an ecclesiastical sense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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