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There are 12 seven-letter words containing GRAV

AGRAVICagravic adj. Of or pertaining to the condition of zero gravity.
AGRAVIC adj. relating to zero gravity.
ENGRAVEengrave v. (Transitive) To carve text or symbols into (something), usually for the purposes of identification or art.
engrave v. (Transitive) To carve (something) into a material.
engrave v. (Obsolete) To put in a grave, to bury.
GRAVELSgravels n. Plural of gravel.
gravels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gravel.
Gravels prop.n. Plural of Gravel.
GRAVELYgravely adv. In a grave or serious manner.
gravely adj. Alternative spelling of gravelly.
Gravely prop.n. A surname.
GRAVERSgravers n. Plural of graver.
Gravers prop.n. Plural of Graver.
GRAVER n. an engraving tool, a burin.
GRAVESTgravest adj. Superlative form of grave: most grave.
gravest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of grave.
GRAVE adj. extremely serious.
GRAVIDAgravida n. (Medicine) A pregnant woman.
GRAVIDA n. (Latin) a pregnant woman.
GRAVIESgravies n. Plural of gravy.
GRAVY n. a sauce of the fat and juices from cooked meat.
GRAVINGgraving v. Present participle of grave.
graving n. The act of cleaning a ship’s bottom.
graving n. (Obsolete) An engraving.
GRAVITYgravity n. The state or condition of having weight; weight; heaviness.
gravity n. The state or condition of being grave; seriousness.
gravity n. (Music) The lowness of a note.
GRAVLAXgravlax n. Salmon dry-cured in salt, seasoned with dill and sugar, and served usually thinly sliced as an appetizer.
GRAVLAX n. (Swedish) a Scandinavian dish of salmon with spices and salad, also GRAVADLAX, GRAVLAKS.
GRAVUREgravure n. (Art, printing) A type of intaglio printing process, in which an image is engraved onto a rotating copper cylinder.
gravure n. (Japan) A style of Japanese softcore; glamour photography.
GRAVURE n. any process of making an intaglio printing plate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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