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There are 14 seven-letter words containing GANG

GANGBOSGANGBO n. a civil order restricting the activities of a gang member.
GANGERSgangers n. Plural of ganger.
Gangers prop.n. Plural of Ganger.
GANGER n. a foreman of a group of labourers.
GANGINGganging n. (Fishing) a leader used to attach a fishhook to the main line, especially in commercial fishing.
ganging v. Present participle of gang.
GANGING n. the act of associating in a gang.
GANGLEDgangled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gangle.
GANGLE v. to move awkwardly.
GANGLESgangles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gangle.
GANGLE v. to move awkwardly.
GANGLIAganglia n. Plural of ganglion – clusters of nerves.
GANGLION n. (Greek) a group of nerve cells.
GANGRELgangrel n. (Dialectal, Scotland) A tramp, vagrant, vagabond.
gangrel n. (UK dialectal) A tall awkward fellow.
gangrel n. (UK, archaic) A child just beginning to walk; toddler.
GANGSTAgangsta n. (Slang) A member of an urban criminal or street gang.
gangsta adj. (Slang) Exhibiting the traits or demeanor associated with the lifestyle of urban thugs or hustlers.
GANGSTA n. an aggressive, misogynistic style of rap music.
GANGUESgangues n. Plural of gangue.
GANGUE n. (French) the worthless rock in which valuable minerals are found.
GANGWAYgangway n. A passageway through which to enter or leave, such as one between seating areas in an auditorium, or…
gangway n. An articulating bridge or ramp, such as from land to a dock or a ship.
gangway n. A temporary passageway, such as one made of planks.
MGANGASmgangas n. Plural of mganga.
MGANGA n. (Bantu) in Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, an indigenous African doctor, a witch-doctor.
OXGANGSoxgangs n. Plural of oxgang.
OXGANG n. as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGATE, OXLAND.
SIRGANGsirgang n. (India, obsolete) The Asiatic green jackdaw.
SIRGANG n. a green Asiatic jay-like bird.
UPGANGSupgangs n. Plural of upgang.
UPGANG n. (Scots) ascent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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