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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing GEST

AUTOSUGGESTSautosuggests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of autosuggest.
AUTOSUGGEST v. to influence one's own actions by self-suggestion.
BIODIGESTERSbiodigesters n. Plural of biodigester.
DECONGESTANTdecongestant n. A drug that relieves congestion, e.g. pseudoephedrine.
DECONGESTANT n. an agent that relieves congestion (as of mucous membranes).
DECONGESTINGdecongesting v. Present participle of decongest.
DECONGEST v. to relieve or end the congestion of.
DECONGESTIONdecongestion n. The process of decongesting something.
DECONGESTION n. the process of relieving congestion.
DECONGESTIVEdecongestive adj. Serving to decongest.
decongestive n. A decongestant.
DECONGEST adj. to relieve or end the congestion of.
ETONOGESTRELetonogestrel n. A steroidal progestin used in hormonal contraceptives.
ETONOGESTREL n. a molecule used in certain hormonal contraceptives.
GESTICULATEDgesticulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of gesticulate.
GESTICULATE v. to make gestures esp. when speaking.
GESTICULATESgesticulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gesticulate.
GESTICULATE v. to make gestures esp. when speaking.
GESTICULATORgesticulator n. One who gesticulates.
GESTICULATOR n. one who gesticulates.
INDIGESTIBLEindigestible adj. Difficult or impossible to digest.
indigestible adj. (By extension) Difficult to accept; unpalatable.
indigestible n. Anything that is difficult to digest.
INDIGESTIBLYindigestibly adv. Such that it cannot be digested.
INDIGESTIBLE adv. not digestible, also UNDIGESTIBLE.
INDIGESTIONSindigestions n. Plural of indigestion.
INDIGESTION n. inability to digest or difficulty in digesting something.
PREDIGESTINGpredigesting v. Present participle of predigest.
PREDIGEST v. to digest in advance.
PREDIGESTIONpredigestion n. The partial hydrolysis etc. of food, by enzymes or other materials, prior to normal digestion.
PREDIGESTION n. artificial or natural partial digestion of food.
PROGESTERONEprogesterone n. (Biochemistry, steroids, uncountable) A steroid hormone, secreted by the ovaries, whose function is…
progesterone n. (Biochemistry, steroids, countable) A synthetic version of the compound, used in contraceptive pills…
PROGESTERONE n. a female sex hormone that prepares the uterus for the fertilized ovum and maintains pregnancy.
PROGESTOGENSprogestogens n. Plural of progestogen.
PROGESTOGEN n. any of a range of hormones of the progesterone type.
REDIGESTIONSredigestions n. Plural of redigestion.
REDIGESTION n. the act of redigesting.
SUGGESTIVELYsuggestively adv. In a suggestive manner.
SUGGESTIVE adv. giving a suggestion.
UNDIGESTIBLEundigestible adj. Alternative spelling of indigestible.
undigestible adj. Chemically impossible to digest.
UNDIGESTIBLE adj. not digestible, also INDIGESTIBLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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