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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing GENC

ASSURGENCIESASSURGENCY n. upward curving growth.
ASTRINGENCESastringences n. Plural of astringence.
ASTRINGENCE n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCY.
CONTINGENCEScontingences n. Plural of contingence.
CONTINGENCE n. an event (as an emergency) that may but is not certain to occur, also CONTINGENCY.
CONVERGENCESconvergences n. Plural of convergence.
CONVERGENCE n. the state of being convergent, also CONVERGENCY.
DETERGENCIESdetergencies n. Plural of detergency.
DETERGENCY n. a cleansing quality, also DETERGENCE.
DIVERGENCIESdivergencies n. Plural of divergency.
divergencies n. Alternative form of divergences.
DIVERGENCY n. a drawing apart, as of lines extending from a common center.
INDULGENCIESindulgencies n. Plural of indulgency.
INDULGENCY n. indulgence, also INDULGENCE.
INDULGENCINGindulgencing v. Present participle of indulgence.
INDULGENCE v. to grant an indulgence.
INSURGENCIESinsurgencies n. Plural of insurgency.
INSURGENCY n. the state of being insurgent, also INSURGENCE.
INTELLIGENCEintelligence n. (Chiefly uncountable) Capacity of mind, especially to understand principles, truths, facts or meanings…
intelligence n. (Chiefly uncountable) The quality of making use or having made use of such capacities: depth of understanding…
intelligence n. (Countable) An entity that has such capacities.
NEWSAGENCIESnewsagencies n. Plural of newsagency.
news␣agencies n. Plural of news agency.
NEWSAGENCY n. an agency that collects and distributes news.
NONEMERGENCYnonemergency adj. Not an emergency.
nonemergency adj. Not involved in emergency services, such as fire or rescue.
nonemergency n. Something that is not an emergency.
PREEMERGENCEpreemergence adj. (Of herbicide use) Before the emergence of the plants being targeted.
PREEMERGENCE adj. used or occurring before the emergence of seedlings above the ground.
REEMERGENCESreemergences n. Plural of reemergence.
reëmergences n. Plural of reëmergence.
REEMERGENCE n. the act of reemerging.
REFRINGENCESrefringences n. Plural of refringence.
REFRINGENCE n. refractivity, also REFRINGENCY.
REFULGENCIESrefulgencies n. Plural of refulgency.
REFULGENCY n. the quality of being refulgent, also REFULGENCE.
STRINGENCIESstringencies n. Plural of stringency.
STRINGENCY n. the state of being stringent.
SUBMERGENCESsubmergences n. Plural of submergence.
SUBMERGENCE n. the act of submerging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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