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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing GANG

GANGBANGERSgangbangers n. Plural of gangbanger.
GANGBANGER n. (vulgar) one involved in a gangbang.
GANGBANGINGgangbanging v. Present participle of gangbang.
gang-banging v. Present participle of gang-bang.
GANGBANG v. to carry out a gangbang, also GANGSHAG.
GANGBUSTERSgangbusters n. Plural of gangbuster.
gangbusters adj. Very successful or profitable.
gangbusters adv. (Colloquial) With great energy or speed; very well. (Frequently with go.)
GANGBUSTINGgangbusting n. The disruption by law enforcement of organized crime.
GANGBUSTING n. breaking up gangs.
GANGLIOSIDEganglioside n. (Biochemistry) Any of several galactocerebrosides found in the surface membranes of nerve cells.
GANGLIOSIDE n. any of a group of glycolipids that yield a hexose sugar on hydrolysis.
GANGMASTERSgangmasters n. Plural of gangmaster.
GANGMASTER n. a person who recruits and manages temporary or migratory labourers, esp. for seasonal agricultural work.
GANGSHAGGEDGANGSHAG v. to carry out a gangshag, also GANGBANG.
GANGSTERDOMgangsterdom n. The realm or sphere of gangsters.
GANGSTERDOM n. the world of gangsters.
GANGSTERISHgangsterish adj. (Informal) Gangsterlike.
GANGSTERISH adj. like a gangster.
GANGSTERISMgangsterism n. The behavior of a gangster; organized crime.
GANGSTERISM n. the ethos of the gangster.
OVERGANGINGoverganging v. Present participle of overgang.
OVERGANG v. (Scots) to dominate; to overspread.
VOETGANGERSvoetgangers n. Plural of voetganger.
VOETGANGER n. (Dutch) a locust before its wings grow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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