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There are 18 ten-letter words containing GNAN

BENIGNANCYbenignancy n. Benignity.
BENIGNANCY n. a benignant quality.
IMPREGNANTimpregnant adj. (Obsolete) Not pregnant; unfertilized or infertile.
impregnant n. (Obsolete) That which impregnates.
I'm␣pregnant phr. Indicates that the speaker is pregnant.
INDIGNANCEindignance n. Indignation.
INDIGNANCE n. (archaic) indignation, contempt, also INDIGNATION.
MALIGNANCEmalignance n. Malignancy.
MALIGNANCE n. the state of being malignant, also MALIGNANCY.
MALIGNANCYmalignancy n. The state of being malignant or diseased.
malignancy n. A malignant cancer; specifically, any neoplasm that is invasive or otherwise not benign.
malignancy n. That which is malign; evil, depravity, malevolence.
MALIGNANTSmalignants n. Plural of malignant.
MALIGNANT n. a supporter of the royalist cause during the English civil war.
OPPUGNANCYoppugnancy n. The act of oppugning; opposition; resistance.
OPPUGNANCY n. (Shakespeare) antagonism.
OPPUGNANTSoppugnants n. Plural of oppugnant.
OPPUGNANT n. an opponent.
POIGNANCESpoignances n. Plural of poignance.
POIGNANCE n. the state of being poignant, also POIGNANCY.
POIGNANTLYpoignantly adv. In a poignant manner.
POIGNANT adv. emotionally distressing, also POYNANT.
PREGNANCESpregnances n. Plural of pregnance.
PREGNANCE n. (obsolete) pregnancy, also PREGNANCY.
PREGNANTLYpregnantly adv. In a pregnant manner.
pregnantly adv. (Obsolete) unresistingly; openly; hence, clearly, evidently.
PREGNANT adv. carrying a developing fetus in the uterus.
REGNANCIESregnancies n. Plural of regnancy.
REGNANCY n. the condition of being regnant.
REPUGNANCErepugnance n. Extreme aversion, repulsion.
repugnance n. Contradiction, inconsistency, incompatibility, incongruity; an instance of such.
REPUGNANCE n. strong dislike, antipathy, also REPUGNANCY.
REPUGNANCYrepugnancy n. The quality of being repugnant: offensiveness, repulsion.
repugnancy n. The quality of being repugnant: (logical) opposition, contradiction, incompatibility.
repugnancy n. (Archaic) Resistance, fighting back.
STAGNANCESSTAGNANCE n. the state of being stagnant, also STAGNANCY.
STAGNANTLYstagnantly adv. In a stagnant manner.
STAGNANT adv. like still and often foul water.
UNPREGNANTunpregnant adj. Not pregnant.
UNPREGNANT adj. (Shakespeare) stupid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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