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There are 13 words containing GEU

GEUMgeum n. Any of the genus Geum of perennial herbaceous plants.
Geum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rosaceae – the avens, low, flowering plants of nearly worldwide distrubution.
GEUM n. (Latin) a plant of the Geum genus of the rose family, aka avens.
GEUMSgeums n. Plural of geum.
GEUM n. (Latin) a plant of the Geum genus of the rose family, aka avens.
AGEUSIAageusia n. Absence of the sense of taste.
ageusia n. Partial or complete loss of the sense of taste.
AGEUSIA n. lack of a sense of taste.
AGEUSIASageusias n. Plural of ageusia.
AGEUSIA n. lack of a sense of taste.
CHANGEUPchangeup n. Alternative form of change-up.
change-up n. (Baseball) A pitch thrown with the arm motion of a fastball, but which travels at a much slower velocity…
change-up n. (By extension) An unexpected event.
HYPOGEUMhypogeum n. An underground room or cavern (also used figuratively).
HYPOGEUM n. (Greek) an underground chamber, also HYPOGAEUM.
VOYAGEURvoyageur n. (Historical) A trader, particularly in furs, who worked (and explored) in the area of Canada and the…
VOYAGEUR n. (Canadian) an employee of a fur company who transports goods.
CHANGEUPSchangeups n. Plural of changeup.
change-ups n. Plural of change-up.
CHANGEUP n. a type of baseball pitch, a slow pitch thrown like a fastball.
VOLTIGEURvoltigeur n. A tumbler; a leaper or vaulter.
voltigeur n. (Military) One of a picked company of skirmishers in each regiment of the French infantry during the Napoleonic Wars.
voltigeur n. (Canada) ranger.
VOYAGEURSvoyageurs n. Plural of voyageur.
VOYAGEUR n. (Canadian) an employee of a fur company who transports goods.
VOLTIGEURSvoltigeurs n. Plural of voltigeur.
VOLTIGEUR n. (French) a lightly armed skirmisher.
ARBITRAGEURarbitrageur n. (Finance) One who engages in arbitrage, such as a financial broker or an investment bank.
ARBITRAGEUR n. one who makes profit by dealing on the stock exchange, also ARBITRAGER.
ARBITRAGEURSarbitrageurs n. Plural of arbitrageur.
ARBITRAGEUR n. one who makes profit by dealing on the stock exchange, also ARBITRAGER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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