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There are 10 words containing GCO

EGGCORNeggcorn n. (Linguistics) a word or phrase that sounds like and is mistakenly used in a seemingly logical or plausible…
EGGCORN n. a malapropism or misspelling arising from similarity between the sound of the misspelled or misused word and the correct one in the accent of the person making the mistake.
LINGCODlingcod n. Ophiodon elongatus, a fish of the greenlings, of the family Hexagrammidae, native to the west coast of North America.
LINGCOD n. a marine food fish.
EGGCORNSeggcorns n. Plural of eggcorn.
EGGCORN n. a malapropism or misspelling arising from similarity between the sound of the misspelled or misused word and the correct one in the accent of the person making the mistake.
LINGCODSlingcods n. Plural of lingcod.
LINGCOD n. a marine food fish.
MONGCORNmongcorn n. Alternative form of mangcorn.
MONGCORN n. a mixed grain, esp. rye and wheat, aka maslin, also MUNGCORN.
MUNGCORNmungcorn n. Alternative form of mangcorn.
MUNGCORN n. a mixed grain, esp. rye and wheat, aka maslin, also MONGCORN.
MONGCORNSMONGCORN n. a mixed grain, esp. rye and wheat, aka maslin, also MUNGCORN.
MUNGCORNSMUNGCORN n. a mixed grain, esp. rye and wheat, aka maslin, also MONGCORN.
STRINGCOURSEstringcourse n. (Architecture) A thin projecting course of brickwork or stone that runs horizontally around a building…
string␣course n. Alternative form of stringcourse.
STRINGCOURSE n. a horizontal band or molding set in the front of a building.
STRINGCOURSESstringcourses n. Plural of stringcourse.
string␣courses n. Plural of string course.
STRINGCOURSE n. a horizontal band or molding set in the front of a building.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 367 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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