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There are 18 nine-letter words containing GOM

ALGOMETERalgometer n. An instrument for measuring pain-inducing stimuli, and the sensitivity to such stimuli.
ALGOMETER n. an instrument for measuring sensitivity to pressure or pain.
ALGOMETRYalgometry n. (Medicine) The scientific measurement of responses to pain stimuli.
ALGOMETRY n. the measurement of sensitivity to pressure or pain.
BERGOMASKbergomask n. (Obsolete) A kind of rustic dance.
BERGOMASK n. a rustic dance, also BERGAMASK.
DRAGOMANSdragomans n. Plural of dragoman.
DRAGOMAN n. (Arabic) an interpreter in Eastern countries.
EGOMANIACegomaniac n. A person obsessed with their own (supposed) importance.
EGOMANIAC n. one suffering from egomania, excessive preoccupation with the self.
EGOMANIASegomanias n. Plural of egomania.
EGOMANIA n. extreme egotism.
ERGOMANIAergomania n. (Psychology) An obsession with exercise or work.
ERGOMANIA n. excessive desire to work.
ERGOMETERergometer n. A dynamometer used to measure the work done by muscles.
ergometer n. A rowing machine or ergocycle.
ERGOMETER n. an instrument for measuring work performed.
ERGOMETRYergometry n. Measurement with an ergometer.
ERGOMETRY n. the measurement of work done.
GOMBROONSGOMBROON n. a type of Persian pottery.
GOMPHOSESgomphoses n. Plural of gomphosis.
GOMPHOSIS n. the growth of teeth into the bone cavity.
GOMPHOSISgomphosis n. (Anatomy) a type of fibrous, immovable joint such as the one between the teeth and the alveolar bone.
GOMPHOSIS n. the growth of teeth into the bone cavity.
LAGOMORPHlagomorph n. A member of the mammalian taxonomic order, Lagomorpha, which includes hares, rabbits, and pikas.
LAGOMORPH n. a gnawing mammal (rabbits, hares, pikas).
LOGOMACHSlogomachs n. Plural of logomach.
LOGOMACH n. one given to arguing about words.
LOGOMACHYlogomachy n. Dispute over the meaning of words.
logomachy n. A conflict waged only as a battle of words.
LOGOMACHY n. a dispute about words; controversy marked by verbiage.
OLIGOMERSoligomers n. Plural of oligomer.
OLIGOMER n. a type of complex chemical compound.
STEGOMYIASTEGOMYIA n. a genus of mosquito, including one that carries dengue and yellow fever.
ZYGOMATICzygomatic adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of, relating to, or located in the area of the zygomatic bone or zygomatic arch.
zygomatic n. (Anatomy) Ellipsis of zygomatic bone..
ZYGOMATIC adj. relating to the zygoma, the cheek bone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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