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There are 19 nine-letter words containing GID

ALGIDNESSalgidness n. The state or quality of being algid.
ALGIDNESS n. the state of being algid.
CARANGIDScarangids n. Plural of carangid.
CARANGID n. a marine fish.
FRIGIDESTfrigidest adj. Superlative form of frigid: most frigid.
FRIGID adj. chillingly stiff.
FRIGIDITYfrigidity n. The state of being frigid; coldness; lack of heat.
frigidity n. Coldness of feeling, manner or quality; lack of ardor, animation or vivacity.
frigidity n. Lack of natural heat and vigor of body; impotency.
GIDDINESSgiddiness n. The state of being giddy.
GIDDINESS n. the state of being giddy.
LYSERGIDElysergide n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) The International Nonproprietary Name of LSD.
LYSERGIDE n. the drug LSD.
OVERRIGIDoverrigid adj. Too rigid or severe.
OVERRIGID adj. too rigid; too severe.
PHALANGIDphalangid n. (Zoology) Any of the Phalangoidea.
PHALANGID n. one of the Phalangoidea, a long-legged arachnid, a harvest-spider.
RIGIDISEDrigidised v. Simple past tense and past participle of rigidise.
RIGIDISE v. to make stiff, also RIGIDIFY, RIGIDIZE.
RIGIDISESrigidises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rigidise.
RIGIDISE v. to make stiff, also RIGIDIFY, RIGIDIZE.
RIGIDIZEDrigidized v. Simple past tense and past participle of rigidize.
RIGIDIZE v. to make stiff, also RIGIDIFY, RIGIDISE.
RIGIDIZESrigidizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rigidize.
RIGIDIZE v. to make stiff, also RIGIDIFY, RIGIDISE.
RIGIDNESSrigidness n. Rigidity.
RIGIDNESS n. the state of being rigid, also RIGIDITY.
SEMIRIGIDsemirigid n. (Aviation) An airship or dirigible which maintains its shape using a combination of internal pressure…
semirigid adj. Partially rigid.
semi-rigid adj. Alternative spelling of semirigid.
SOLPUGIDSsolpugids n. Plural of solpugid.
SOLPUGID n. (Latin) a type of venomous arachnid, aka camel spider.
SPHINGIDSsphingids n. Plural of sphingid.
SPHINGID n. a member of the Sphingidae family, hawkmoths.
SYNERGIDSsynergids n. Plural of synergid.
SYNERGID n. a cell found in the embryo sac of a seed plant.
TURGIDESTTURGID adj. swollen, inflated, also TURGENT.
TURGIDITYturgidity n. The state or quality of being turgid.
TURGIDITY n. the state of being turgid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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