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There are 15 nine-letter words containing GIB

DIRIGIBLEdirigible n. (Aviation) A self-propelled airship that can be steered.
dirigible adj. Steerable.
DIRIGIBLE adj. that can be directed.
ELIGIBLESeligibles n. Plural of eligible.
ELIGIBLE n. one fit to be chosen.
FRANGIBLEfrangible adj. Able to be broken; breakable, fragile.
frangible n. Something that is breakable or fragile; especially something that is intentionally made so, such as a bullet.
FRANGIBLE adj. readily broken; breakable.
FUNGIBLESfungibles n. Plural of fungible.
FUNGIBLE n. something that may be exchanged for a similar unit.
GIBBERINGgibbering v. Present participle of gibber.
gibbering adj. Prone to meaningless vocalization, especially excited and confused utterances, like a beast or monster.
gibbering n. Manic, meaningless speech; babble.
GIBBERISHgibberish n. Speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless.
gibberish n. Needlessly obscure or overly technical language.
gibberish n. (Uncountable) A language game, comparable to pig Latin, in which one inserts a nonsense syllable before…
GIBBETINGgibbeting v. (US) present participle of gibbet.
gibbeting n. The act by which somebody is gibbeted.
GIBBET v. to execute by hanging.
GIBBETTEDgibbetted v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of gibbet.
GIBBET v. to execute by hanging.
GIBBOSITYgibbosity n. The state of being gibbous or gibbose; gibbousness.
GIBBOSITY n. the state of being gibbose, of a moon, between half and full.
GIBBOUSLYgibbously adv. In a gibbous manner.
GIBBOUS adv. humpbacked, humped; (of a moon) between half and full, also GIBBOSE.
GIBBSITESgibbsites n. Plural of gibbsite.
GIBBSITE n. a mineral, a hydrate of alumina.
ILLEGIBLEillegible adj. Not clear enough to be read; unreadable; not legible or decipherable.
ILLEGIBLE adj. not legible.
ILLEGIBLYillegibly adv. In a manner that produces illegible results.
ILLEGIBLE adv. not legible.
TANGIBLEStangibles n. Plural of tangible.
TANGIBLE n. something tangible.
ZINGIBERSzingibers n. Plural of zingiber.
ZINGIBER n. (Latin) a plant of the ginger family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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