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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing GIC

AGOGICSagogics n. Plural of agogic.
AGOGICS n. the art of accenting a note by dwelling on it.
ANERGICanergic adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of anergy.
ANERGIC adj. relating to anergia; lacking in energy.
ANGICOSANGICO n. (Portuguese) a South American tree of the mimosa family.
DIGICAMdigicam n. (Photography) A digital camera.
DIGICAM n. a digital camera.
ELLAGICellagic adj. Of or pertaining to gallnuts.
ELLAGIC adj. relating to gallnuts, as, ellagic acid.
ENERGICenergic adj. In a state of action; acting; operating.
energic adj. Having energy or great power; energetic.
ENERGIC adj. showing energy.
GEORGICgeorgic n. A rural poem; a poetical composition on husbandry, containing rules for cultivating land, etc.
georgic adj. Relating to rural affairs.
GEORGIC n. (Latin) a poem on husbandry or rural affairs.
ILLOGICillogic adj. Synonym of illogical.
illogic n. Lack of logic; unreasonableness; a fallacy.
ILLOGIC n. the absence of logic.
LOGICALlogical adj. (Not comparable) In agreement with the principles of logic.
logical adj. Reasonable.
logical adj. (Not comparable) Of or pertaining to logic.
MAGICALmagical adj. Of, relating to, or by means of magic.
magical adj. Enchanting.
MAGICAL adj. resembling magic.
MYALGICmyalgic adj. Pertaining to myalgia.
MYALGIC adj. relating to myalgia, pain in the muscles.
OOLOGICoologic adj. Relating to oology.
oölogic adj. Alternative spelling of oologic.
OOLOGIC adj. relating to oology, the collection and study of birds' eggs, also OOLOGICAL.
OTALGICotalgic adj. (Pathology, pharmacology) Of or pertaining to otalgia.
otalgic n. (Pharmacology) A cure for otalgia.
OTALGIC adj. relating to or curative of otalgy, earache.
PELAGICpelagic adj. (Biology) Living in the open sea rather than in coastal or inland waters.
pelagic adj. Of or pertaining to oceans.
pelagic n. (Biology) Any organism that lives in the open sea rather than in coastal or inland waters.
TRAGICStragics n. Plural of tragic.
TRAGIC n. the element of the drama that produces tragedy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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