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There are 20 six-letter words containing GOT

ARGOTSargots n. Plural of argot.
Argots n. Plural of Argot.
ARGOT n. (French) an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group.
BIGOTSbigots n. Plural of bigot.
BIGOT n. a prejudiced person.
CAGOTScagots n. Plural of cagot.
Cagots n. Plural of Cagot.
CAGOT n. (French) one of an outcast class found in the Pyrenees, supposed to be the descendants of lepers.
ERGOTSergots n. Plural of ergot.
ERGOT n. a fungal disease of grasses.
FAGGOTfaggot n. (Chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together…
faggot n. (Obsolete) Burdensome baggage.
faggot n. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel cut off into suitable lengths for welding.
FAGOTSfagots n. Plural of fagot.
FAGOT v. to bind together in a bundle, also FAGGOT.
FORGOTforgot v. Simple past tense of forget.
forgot v. (Archaic or colloquial) simple past tense and past participle of forget.
FORGET v. to fail to remember.
FRIGOTfrigot n. Obsolete form of frigate.
FRIGOT n. (Spenser) a frigate.
GIGOTSgigots n. Plural of gigot.
GIGOT n. (French) a leg of lamb, also JIGOT.
GOTCHAgotcha cont. Got you; have you; as in capture or apprehend.
gotcha cont. Understand you; comprehend you.
gotcha cont. Got you covered, got your back; when you have an advantage or responsibility over someone.
GOTHICgothic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Gothic.
Gothic prop.n. An extinct Germanic language, once spoken by the Goths.
Gothic adj. Of or relating to the Goths or their language.
GOTTENgotten v. (Chiefly North America, Ireland, Scotland, Northern English, or archaic) past participle of get.
gotten adj. (Mostly in combination) obtained, acquired.
GET v. to obtain or acquire.
INGOTSingots n. Plural of ingot.
INGOT v. to shape (metal) into a convenient form for storage.
JIGOTSjigots n. Plural of jigot.
JIGOT n. (French) a leg of lamb, also GIGOT.
KGOTLAkgotla n. Any of several types of public meeting in a Botswana village, especially one involving a gathering of tribal elders.
kgotla n. The place where such a meeting is held.
KGOTLA n. (Bantu) an assembly of tribal elders in Botswana, also LEKGOTLA.
LINGOTlingot n. A linget or ingot.
lingot n. A mould for casting metals.
LINGOT n. (obsolete) an ingot.
MAGGOTmaggot n. A soft, legless larva of a fly or other dipterous insect, that often eats decomposing organic matter.
maggot n. (Derogatory) A worthless person.
maggot n. (Now archaic, regional) A whimsy or fancy.
MAGOTSmagots n. Plural of magot.
MAGOT n. (French) the Barbary ape; a small grotesque figure in Chinese art.
SPIGOTspigot n. A pin or peg used to stop the vent in a cask.
spigot n. The plug of a faucet, tap or cock.
spigot n. (US, especially Appalachia) A water tap: a faucet or sillcock.
ZYGOTEzygote n. A fertilized egg cell.
ZYGOTE n. a cell formed from the union of two gametes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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