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There are 13 six-letter words containing GIT

AGITASAGITA n. a feeling of agitation.
AUGITEaugite n. (Mineralogy) A variety of pyroxene, usually of a black or dark green color, occurring in igneous rocks…
AUGITE n. one of the pyroxene group of minerals, very similar to hornblende.
BAGGITbaggit n. A salmon that has just spawned.
BAGGIT n. (Scots) a ripe female salmon who has retained her eggs.
COGITOcogito n. (Philosophy, often preceded by the, sometimes capitalized) The argument "cogito, ergo sum" ("I think…
COGITO n. (Latin) a philosophical principle.
DIGITSdigits n. Plural of digit.
digits n. (US slang) A telephone number.
DIGIT n. a finger or a toe.
DUGITEdugite n. Pseudonaja affinis, a highly venomous snake of southwest Australia.
DUGITE n. (Native Australian) an Australian venomous snake.
ELEGITelegit n. (Archaic) A judicial writ ordering seizure of a debtor’s property.
ELEGIT n. (Latin) a writ of execution on a debtor's property.
GIGGITgiggit v. (US, transitive, intransitive) To convey or move rapidly.
GIGGIT v. (US archaic) to convey or move rapidly.
GITANAGITANA n. (Spanish) a female gypsy.
GITANOGITANO n. (Spanish) a male gypsy.
GITTEDgitted v. Simple past tense and past participle of git.
GIT v. to get.
GITTINgittin v. (Nonstandard, dialectal) Alternative spelling of gitting.
GET n. a Jewish divorce.
LEGITSlegits n. Plural of legit.
LEGIT n. a legitimate drama.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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