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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing GEB

ALGEBRAISTalgebraist n. (Mathematics) A mathematician who specializes in algebra.
ALGEBRAIST n. one versed in algebra.
BARGEBOARDbargeboard n. (Architecture) Alternative spelling of barge board.
barge␣board n. A board fastened to the projecting gables of a roof to protect and hide other timbers.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
CHARGEBACKchargeback n. (Banking) A reversal of an accounting entry, especially of a disputed credit-card transaction.
CHARGEBACK n. the charge a credit card merchant pays to a customer after the customer successfully disputes an item on his or her credit card statement.
DODGEBALLSdodgeballs n. Plural of dodgeball.
dodge␣balls n. Plural of dodge ball.
DODGEBALL n. a ball game.
HEDGEBILLShedgebills n. Plural of hedgebill.
HEDGEBILL n. a bill for dressing hedges, a kind of long-handled hatchet.
RIDGEBACKSridgebacks n. Plural of ridgeback.
RIDGEBACK n. a large hunting-dog.
SPONGEBAGSspongebags n. (Slang, UK) formal trousers.
spongebags n. Plural of spongebag.
sponge␣bags n. Plural of sponge bag.
VEGEBURGERvegeburger n. (UK) Alternative spelling of veggie burger.
vege-burger n. Alternative form of vegeburger.
VEGEBURGER n. a burger with vegetables rather than meat, also VEGGIEBURGER.
VERGEBOARDvergeboard n. A barge board.
VERGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable, aka bargeboard.
ZEITGEBERSzeitgebers n. Plural of zeitgeber.
ZEITGEBER n. (German) an environmental cue, such as light, that helps to regulate the biological clock in an organism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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