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There are 15 seven-letter words containing GF

BAGFULSbagfuls n. Plural of bagful.
BAGFUL n. as much as a bag can hold.
BIGFEETbigfeet n. (Plural only) snowblades; a smaller version of skis.
Bigfeet n. Plural of Bigfoot.
BIGFOOT n. a large hairy primate.
BIGFOOTbigfoot v. (Transitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To control or manage forcefully; to exercise authority over.
bigfoot v. (Intransitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To behave in an authoritative, commanding manner.
Bigfoot n. (US, Canada, cryptozoology, folklore) A very large, hairy, humanoid creature, similar to the yeti, said…
DOGFACEdogface n. (US military, slang) A foot soldier, especially during World War II.
dogface n. (Slang, derogatory) An ugly person.
dogface n. Either of two pierid butterflies of the New World genus Zerene.
DOGFISHdogfish n. Any of various small sharks.
dogfish n. (US) The bowfin, Amia calva.
dog-fish n. Alternative spelling of dogfish.
DOGFOODdogfood v. (Transitive, computing, slang) To eat one’s own dog food, to use products developed by oneself or by…
dogfood n. (US) Alternative spelling of dog food.
dog-food n. Alternative form of dog food.
HAGFISHhagfish n. Any of several primitive eellike fish, of the family Myxinidae, having a sucking mouth with rasping…
HAGFISH n. a scavenging fish which resembles an eel.
HOGFISHhogfish n. Lachnolaimus maximus, an edible species of wrasse, found in the Caribbean.
hogfish n. Several of the species of Bodianus.
hogfish n. The pigfish or sailor’s choice, Orthopristis chrysoptera, or other species in genus Orthospristis.
JUGFULSjugfuls n. Plural of jugful.
JUGFUL n. as much as a jug will hold.
LUNGFULlungful n. As much as the lungs will hold.
LUNGFUL n. as much as the lungs can hold.
MUGFULSmugfuls n. Plural of mugful.
MUGFUL n. as much as a mug can hold.
PIGFACEpigface n. Any of various mesembryanthemums of the genus Carpobrotus, native to coastal areas of Australia, and…
PIGFACE n. (Australian) a creeping succulent plant with brightly coloured flowers and red fruits.
PIGFEEDpigfeed n. Feed for pigs.
PIGFEED n. food for pigs.
PIGFISHpigfish n. Any one of several species of salt-water grunts, called also hogfish.
pigfish n. Any of several other fishes thought to resemble pigs, including.
PIGFISH n. a large West Indian and Florida food fish, aka hogfish.
SONGFULsongful adj. (Rare) Disposed or able to sing; melodious.
songful adj. Tending toward, or having the character of, song.
songful n. An amount expressed in a song.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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