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There are 17 words containing FLATIONS

AFFLATIONSafflations n. Plural of afflation.
AFFLATION n. the act of breathing upon; inspiration.
AGFLATIONSAGFLATION n. an economic situation in which increased demand causes an increase in the price of food products, and a potential rise in general inflation.
DEFLATIONSdeflations n. Plural of deflation.
DEFLATION n. the act of deflating.
INFLATIONSinflations n. Plural of inflation.
INFLATION n. undue increase in quantity of money in proportion to buying power.
REFLATIONSreflations n. Plural of reflation.
REFLATION n. an increase in amount of economic activity and spending.
CONFLATIONSconflations n. Plural of conflation.
CONFLATION n. a combining or blending of two or more versions of a text.
SUFFLATIONSsufflations n. Plural of sufflation.
SUFFLATION n. (archaic) the act of blowing up or inflating.
REINFLATIONSreinflations n. Plural of reinflation.
REINFLATION n. the act of reinflating.
STAGFLATIONSstagflations n. Plural of stagflation.
STAGFLATION n. persistent inflation combined with stagnant consumer demand and relatively high unemployment.
DISINFLATIONSdisinflations n. Plural of disinflation.
DISINFLATION n. a reversal of inflationary pressures.
EXSUFFLATIONSexsufflations n. Plural of exsufflation.
EXSUFFLATION n. expiration; exorcism by blowing.
INSUFFLATIONSinsufflations n. Plural of insufflation.
INSUFFLATION n. the act of breathing into or upon.
SLUMPFLATIONSSLUMPFLATION n. a state or period of combined economic decline and rising inflation.
OVERINFLATIONSoverinflations n. Plural of overinflation.
OVERINFLATION n. excessive inflation.
SHRINKFLATIONSSHRINKFLATION n. a reduction in the size of an item of packaged food, such as a chocolate bar, while the price remains the same.
HYPERINFLATIONShyperinflations n. Plural of hyperinflation.
HYPERINFLATION n. inflation growing at a very high rate in a very short time.
UNDERINFLATIONSUNDERINFLATION n. the state of being insufficiently inflated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 18 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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