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There are 7 words containing FUTURIS

FUTURISMfuturism n. (Art) An early 20th century avant-garde art movement focused on speed, the mechanical, and the modern…
futurism n. The study and prediction of possible futures.
futurism n. (Judaism) The Jewish expectation of the messiah in the future rather than recognizing him in the presence of Christ.
FUTURISMSfuturisms n. Plural of futurism.
FUTURISM n. an artistic and literary movement.
FUTURISTfuturist n. (Art) An adherent to the principles of the artistic movement of futurism.
futurist n. One who studies and predicts possible futures.
futurist adj. In the style of futurism.
FUTURISTICfuturistic adj. Of technology, a concept, etc, so far advanced as to appear to be from the future.
FUTURISTIC adj. of or relating to futurism, an artistic movement.
FUTURISTICALLYfuturistically adv. In a futuristic manner.
FUTURISTIC adv. of or relating to futurism, an artistic movement.
FUTURISTICSfuturistics n. Futurism (the study and prediction of possible futures).
FUTURISTICS n. futurology.
FUTURISTSfuturists n. Plural of futurist.
FUTURIST n. a proponent of futurism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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