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There are 17 words containing FINANCI

FINANCIALfinancial adj. Related to finances.
financial adj. Having dues and fees paid up to date for a club or society.
FINANCIAL adj. relating to finance.
FINANCIERfinancier n. A person who, as a profession, profits from large financial transactions.
financier n. A company that does the same.
financier n. One charged with the administration of finance; an officer who administers the public revenue; a treasurer.
FINANCINGfinancing v. Present participle of finance.
financing n. (Finance, business) A transaction that provides funds for a business.
FINANCING n. the act of providing finance.
FINANCIALSfinancials n. (Accounting, business) Financial statements.
financials n. (Business, finance) Financial institutions, as a group, such as banks and insurance companies.
financials n. (Business, finance) Shares in financial companies.
FINANCIERSfinanciers n. Plural of financier.
FINANCIER v. to conduct financial operations; to swindle.
FINANCINGSfinancings n. Plural of financing.
FINANCING n. the act of providing finance.
COFINANCINGcofinancing v. Present participle of cofinance.
COFINANCE v. to finance in collaboration with another.
FINANCIALLYfinancially adv. In terms of finance or money.
FINANCIAL adv. relating to finance.
FINANCIEREDfinanciered v. Simple past tense and past participle of financier.
FINANCIER v. to conduct financial operations; to swindle.
REFINANCINGrefinancing v. Present participle of refinance.
refinancing n. (Finance) One or more loans or other borrowings that repay and replace previous financings.
REFINANCING n. the act of financing again.
FINANCIALISTfinancialist n. (Archaic) A financier.
FINANCIALIST n. a financier.
FINANCIERINGfinanciering v. Present participle of financier.
FINANCIER v. to conduct financial operations; to swindle.
NONFINANCIALnonfinancial adj. Not financial.
nonfinancial adj. (Finance) Not directly related to the finance industry.
NONFINANCIAL adj. not financial.
PREFINANCINGprefinancing v. Present participle of prefinance.
PREFINANCING n. financing arragned in advance.
REFINANCINGSrefinancings n. Plural of refinancing.
REFINANCING n. the act of financing again.
FINANCIALISTSfinancialists n. Plural of financialist.
FINANCIALIST n. a financier.
PREFINANCINGSPREFINANCING n. financing arragned in advance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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