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There are 19 words containing FILLIN

FILLINGfilling v. Present participle of fill.
filling adj. Of food, that satisfies the appetite by filling the stomach.
filling n. Anything that is used to fill something.
FILLINGSfillings n. Plural of filling.
FILLING n. anything used to fill something.
TEFILLINtefillin n. Plural of tefilla.
TEFILLAH n. (Hebrew) a phylactery worn by Jews, also TEPHILLAH.
EXFILLINGEXFIL v. to remove (data) from a computer, network, etc. surreptitiously and without permission or unlawfully.
INFILLINGinfilling v. Present participle of infill.
infilling n. Infilled material.
INFILLING n. material used to fill up or level.
REFILLINGrefilling v. Present participle of refill.
refilling n. The act of filling again; a refill.
REFILL v. to fill again.
UPFILLINGupfilling v. Present participle of upfill.
upfilling n. (Geology) A rock formation that fills the lower part of a hollow or valley.
UPFILLING n. the act of filling up.
FULFILLINGfulfilling adj. Which causes fulfilment; emotionally or artistically satisfying.
fulfilling v. Present participle of fulfill.
fulfilling v. Present participle of fulfil.
INFILLINGSinfillings n. Plural of infilling.
INFILLING n. material used to fill up or level.
UPFILLINGSupfillings n. Plural of upfilling.
UPFILLING n. the act of filling up.
BACKFILLINGbackfilling n. The process by which something is backfilled.
backfilling v. Present participle of backfill.
back-filling v. Present participle of back-fill.
FULFILLINGSfulfillings n. Plural of fulfilling.
FULFILLING n. the act of bringing to fulfilment.
LANDFILLINGlandfilling v. Present participle of landfill.
LANDFILLING n. the process of filling in land by the disposal of rubbish.
OVERFILLINGoverfilling v. Present participle of overfill.
OVERFILL v. to fill to overflowing.
BACKFILLINGSbackfillings n. Plural of backfilling.
BACKFILLING n. the act of refilling with earth.
LANDFILLINGSLANDFILLING n. the process of filling in land by the disposal of rubbish.
UNFULFILLINGunfulfilling adj. Not producing fulfillment or a sense of accomplishment; unsatisfying.
UNFULFILLING adj. not fulfilling.
OVERFULFILLINGoverfulfilling v. Present participle of overfulfil.
OVERFULFILL v. to fulfill to excess.
UNDERFULFILLINGUNDERFULFIL v. to fail to fulfil completely, also UNDERFULFILL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 11 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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