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There are 13 words containing FLAMI

ENFLAMINGenflaming v. Present participle of enflame.
ENFLAME v. (obsolete) to inflame, also INFLAME.
FLAMIERflamier adj. Comparative form of flamy: more flamy.
FLAMY adj. flaming.
FLAMIESTflamiest adj. Superlative form of flamy: most flamy.
FLAMY adj. flaming.
FLAMINESflamines n. Plural of flamen.
FLAMEN n. (Latin) a priest of ancient Rome.
FLAMINGflaming adj. On fire with visible flames.
flaming adj. Very bright and the color of flame.
flaming adj. (Colloquial) Extremely obvious; visibly evident. Typically of a homosexual male.
FLAMINGLYflamingly adv. With, or as if with, fire or flames.
flamingly adv. In a flaming way; extremely obviously; outrageously.
FLAMING adv. FLAME, to burn brightly.
FLAMINGOflamingo n. A wading bird of the family Phoenicopteridae.
flamingo n. A deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
flamingo adj. Of a deep pink color tinged with orange, like that of a flamingo.
FLAMINGOESflamingoes n. Plural of flamingo.
FLAMINGO n. a long-legged tropical bird.
FLAMINGOSflamingos n. Plural of flamingo.
FLAMINGO n. a long-legged tropical bird.
FLAMINICALflaminical adj. Pertaining to a flamen.
FLAMINICAL adj. pertaining to a flamen, a priest of a Roman deity.
INFLAMINGinflaming v. Present participle of inflame.
INFLAME v. to set on fire.
INFLAMINGLYinflamingly adv. In an inflaming manner.
INFLAMING adv. INFLAME, to set on fire.
REINFLAMINGreinflaming v. Present participle of reinflame.
REINFLAME v. to inflame again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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