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There are 12 words containing FACER

FACERfacer n. An unexpected and stunning blow or defeat.
facer n. (Obsolete) One who faces; one who puts on a false show; a bold-faced person.
facer n. (Obsolete) A blow in the face, as in boxing; hence, any severe or stunning check or defeat, as in controversy.
FACERSfacers n. Plural of facer.
Facers prop.n. Plural of Facer.
FACER n. a sudden difficulty.
DEFACERdefacer n. One who defaces; a vandal.
DEFACER n. one who defaces.
EFFACEReffacer n. One who effaces.
EFFACER n. one who effaces.
DEFACERSdefacers n. Plural of defacer.
DEFACER n. one who defaces.
EFFACERSeffacers n. Plural of effacer.
EFFACER n. one who effaces.
PREFACERprefacer n. The writer of a preface.
PREFACER n. one that prefaces.
SURFACERsurfacer n. One who rises to the surface.
surfacer n. A person who planes or dresses a surface.
surfacer n. Any of various machines used to plane or dress a surface.
PREFACERSprefacers n. Plural of prefacer.
PREFACER n. one that prefaces.
SURFACERSsurfacers n. Plural of surfacer.
SURFACER n. a form of machine for dressing the surface of wood, metal, stone, etc.
RESURFACERresurfacer n. A tool or machine used to resurface.
resurfacer n. A person who resurfaces something.
RESURFACER n. one who resurfaces.
RESURFACERSresurfacers n. Plural of resurfacer.
RESURFACER n. one who resurfaces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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