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There are 11 words containing FTWA

DELFTWAREdelftware n. Alternative spelling of Delftware.
Delftware n. Dutch tin-glazed earthenware made in Delft, Holland, especially white pottery decorated under the glaze…
DELFTWARE n. a type of earthenware originating in the Dutch city of Delft, also DELF, DELFT, DELPH.
DELFTWARESdelftwares n. Plural of delftware.
Delftwares n. Plural of Delftware.
DELFTWARE n. a type of earthenware originating in the Dutch city of Delft, also DELF, DELFT, DELPH.
GIFTWAREgiftware n. Items designed to be bought as gifts.
GIFTWARE n. wares suitable for gifting.
GIFTWARESgiftwares n. Plural of giftware.
GIFTWARE n. wares suitable for gifting.
LEFTWARDleftward adj. To or from the left.
leftward adv. To or from the left.
LEFTWARD adj. on the left, also LEFTWARDS.
LEFTWARDLYleftwardly adv. In a leftward direction.
LEFTWARDLY adv. towards the left.
LEFTWARDSleftwards adv. Leftward; towards the left.
LEFTWARDS adv. towards the left, also LEFTWARD.
SOFTWAREsoftware n. (Computing) Encoded computer instructions, usually modifiable (unless stored in some form of unalterable…
software n. (Military) The human beings involved in warfare, as opposed to hardware such as weapons and vehicles.
SOFTWARE n. data used in computer operations.
SOFTWARESsoftwares n. (Nonstandard) plural of software.
SOFTWARE n. data used in computer operations.
TELESOFTWAREtelesoftware n. (Computing, dated) The broadcasting of software for home computers via Teletext, viewdata systems, etc.
TELESOFTWARE n. software that is transmitted to users by means of a teletext or viewdata system.
TELESOFTWARESTELESOFTWARE n. software that is transmitted to users by means of a teletext or viewdata system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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