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There are 11 words containing FTAR

DAFTARdaftar n. (India, historical) A record or register consisting of a set of loose sheets filed on a string or tied up in a cloth.
DAFTAR n. (Urdu) in India, an office, esp. a military orderly room.
DAFTARSdaftars n. Plural of daftar.
DAFTAR n. (Urdu) in India, an office, esp. a military orderly room.
HAFTARAhaftara n. Alternative form of Haftarah.
HAFTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTARAHhaftarah n. Alternative form of Haftarah.
Haftarah n. (Judaism) A selection from the books of Nevi’im and Ketuvim of the Tanach, usually corresponding to…
HAFTARAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTARAHShaftarahs n. Plural of haftarah.
Haftarahs n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTARAShaftaras n. Plural of haftara.
HAFTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTAROSHaftaros n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARAH n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARA, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTAROThaftarot n. Plural of haftarah.
Haftarot n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
HAFTAROTHhaftaroth n. Plural of haftarah.
Haftaroth n. Plural of Haftarah.
HAFTARA n. (Hebrew) a Biblical selection, also HAFTARAH, HAFTORAH, HAPHTARA, HAPHTARAH.
IFTARiftar n. (Islam) The evening meal (of dates) that breaks each day’s fast during Ramadan.
IFTAR n. (Arabic) a meal eaten by Muslims to break their fast after sunset during Ramadan.
IFTARSiftars n. Plural of iftar.
IFTAR n. (Arabic) a meal eaten by Muslims to break their fast after sunset during Ramadan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 44 words

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