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There are 9 words containing FINO

FINOfino n. The driest and palest type of traditional sherry.
Fino prop.n. A surname.
FINO n. (Spanish) a type of light-coloured dry sherry.
FINOSfinos n. Plural of fino.
finos n. Second-best wool from Merino sheep.
Finos prop.n. Plural of Fino.
FINOCHIOfinochio n. Alternative spelling of finocchio.
FINOCHIO n. (Italian) a dwarf variety of fennel, also FINNOCHIO, FINOCCHIO.
FINOCCHIOfinocchio n. A fennel cultivar with a bulb-like structure at its base, used as a vegetable; Florence fennel (Foeniculum…
finocchio n. (Derogatory, slang) A male homosexual.
Finocchio prop.n. A surname from Italian.
FINOCHIOSFINOCHIO n. (Italian) a dwarf variety of fennel, also FINNOCHIO, FINOCCHIO.
RAFFINOSEraffinose n. (Biochemistry) A trisaccharide, composed of galactose, glucose and fructose, that is widely distributed…
RAFFINOSE n. a colorless crystalline slightly sweet substance obtained from the molasses of the sugar beet.
FINOCCHIOSfinocchios n. Plural of finocchio.
Finocchios prop.n. Plural of Finocchio.
FINOCCHIO n. (Italian) a dwarf variety of fennel, also FINNOCHIO, FINOCHIO.
RAFFINOSESraffinoses n. Plural of raffinose.
RAFFINOSE n. a colorless crystalline slightly sweet substance obtained from the molasses of the sugar beet.
PARAFFINOIDparaffinoid adj. (Obsolete, organic chemistry) Resembling paraffin; aliphatic.
PARAFFINOID adj. of or like paraffin, also PARAFFINIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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