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There are 16 words containing FENI

FENIfeni n. (India) An alcoholic drink made in Goa, India, from fermented cashew apples or coconut toddy (sap).
FENI n. (Hindi) an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts, also FENNY.
FENISfenis n. Plural of feni.
FENI n. (Hindi) an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts, also FENNY.
FENINGfening n. A currency unit worth one hundredth of a Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark.
FENING n. a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also FENNING.
FENINGAfeninga n. Plural of fening.
FENING n. a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also FENNING.
FENINGSfenings n. Plural of fening.
FENING n. a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also FENNING.
FENITARFENITAR n. a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FUMITORY, FEMETARY, FEMITER.
FENITARSFENITAR n. a plant once used to treat scurvy, also FUMITORY, FEMETARY, FEMITER.
DEAFENINGdeafening adj. Loud enough to cause temporary or permanent hearing loss.
deafening adj. (Hyperbolic) Very loud.
deafening v. Present participle of deafen.
WULFENITEwulfenite n. (Mineralogy) An orange mineral, lead molybdate, PbMoO4, found in lead veins.
WULFENITE n. a molybdate of lead.
DEAFENINGSdeafenings n. Plural of deafening.
DEAFENING n. the act of making deaf.
STIFFENINGstiffening n. An item, material or feature that makes something stiffer.
stiffening v. Present participle of stiffen.
STIFFENING n. the act of stiffening.
WULFENITESwulfenites n. Plural of wulfenite.
WULFENITE n. a molybdate of lead.
BEDEAFENINGbedeafening v. Present participle of bedeafen.
BEDEAFEN v. to make deaf.
DEAFENINGLYdeafeningly adv. In a deafening manner.
DEAFENING adv. very loud.
STIFFENINGSstiffenings n. Plural of stiffening.
STIFFENING n. the act of stiffening.
UNSTIFFENINGunstiffening v. Present participle of unstiffen.
UNSTIFFEN v. to make not stiff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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