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There are 17 words containing FALD

FALDAGEfaldage n. (Law, Norfolk, Suffolk, obsolete) A privilege of setting up, and moving about, folds for sheep, in any…
faldage n. (Law, obsolete) A fee paid for exemption from this.
FALDAGE n. (historical) the right of the lord of a manor to graze a tenant's sheep in folds on his land, in order to manure it.
TWAFALDTWAFALD adj. (Scots) twofold.
FALDAGESfaldages n. Plural of faldage.
FALDAGE n. (historical) the right of the lord of a manor to graze a tenant's sheep in folds on his land, in order to manure it.
FALDERALfalderal n. Alternative spelling of folderol.
FALDERAL v. to sing meaningless sounds, also FALDEROL, FOLDEROL.
FALDEROLfalderol n. Alternative form of folderol.
FALDEROL n. nonsense; a meaningless refrain of a song, also FALDERAL, FOLDEROL.
FALDETTAfaldetta n. A headdress and shawl worn by women in parts of the Mediterranean.
FALDETTA n. (Italian) a Maltese woman's combined hood and cape.
FALDERALSfalderals n. Plural of falderal.
FALDERAL v. to sing meaningless sounds, also FALDEROL, FOLDEROL.
FALDEROLSfalderols n. Plural of falderol.
FALDEROL n. nonsense; a meaningless refrain of a song, also FALDERAL, FOLDEROL.
FALDETTASfaldettas n. Plural of faldetta.
FALDETTA n. (Italian) a Maltese woman's combined hood and cape.
FALDSTOOLfaldstool n. A portable, folding chair used by a bishop when away from his throne.
faldstool n. Any similar stool used in a divine service (such as the coronation of a British monarch).
FALDSTOOL n. a prayer desk from which the Litany is read at church service; a bishop's round armless chair.
FALDERALEDFALDERAL v. to sing meaningless sounds, also FALDEROL, FOLDEROL.
FALDISTORYfaldistory n. (Obsolete) The throne or seat of a bishop within the chancel.
FALDISTORY n. (obsolete) the throne or seat of a bishop within the chancel.
FALDSTOOLSfaldstools n. Plural of faldstool.
FALDSTOOL n. a prayer desk from which the Litany is read at church service; a bishop's round armless chair.
FALDERALINGFALDERAL v. to sing meaningless sounds, also FALDEROL, FOLDEROL.
FALDISTORIESfaldistories n. Plural of faldistory.
FALDISTORY n. (obsolete) the throne or seat of a bishop within the chancel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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