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There are 12 words containing FAGE

LEAFAGEleafage n. The leaves of plants collectively; foliage.
LEAFAGE n. foliage, also LEAFERY.
LEAFAGESleafages n. Plural of leafage.
LEAFAGE n. foliage, also LEAFERY.
RIFFAGEriffage n. (Informal) guitar riffs.
RIFFAGE n. in jazz, the act of playing a short series of chords.
RIFFAGESRIFFAGE n. in jazz, the act of playing a short series of chords.
SERFAGEserfage n. Serfdom.
SERFAGE n. the state of being a serf, also SERFDOM, SERFHOOD, SERFSHIP.
SERFAGESserfages n. Plural of serfage.
SERFAGE n. the state of being a serf, also SERFDOM, SERFHOOD, SERFSHIP.
SHROFFAGEshroffage n. (Historical) The commission paid to a shroff for examining coins for quality.
SHROFFAGE n. the examination of coins, and the separation of the good from the debased.
SHROFFAGESSHROFFAGE n. the examination of coins, and the separation of the good from the debased.
STAFFAGEstaffage n. (Art) The people and animals represented in a landscape painting.
STAFFAGE n. decorative addition to a work of art.
STAFFAGESstaffages n. Plural of staffage.
STAFFAGE n. decorative addition to a work of art.
WHARFAGEwharfage n. A dock, quay, or pier.
wharfage n. Wharfs collectively.
wharfage n. A fee charged for using a wharf.
WHARFAGESwharfages n. Plural of wharfage.
WHARFAGE n. the fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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