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There are 15 nine-letter words containing FIGU

CONFIGUREconfigure v. (Transitive) To set up or arrange something in such a way that it is ready for operation for a particular…
CONFIGURE v. to set up (a computer system).
DISFIGUREdisfigure v. To change the appearance of something/someone to the negative.
DISFIGURE v. to spoil the appearance of.
FIGULINESfigulines n. Plural of figuline.
FIGULINE n. potter's clay, earthenware.
FIGURABLEfigurable adj. Capable of being brought to a fixed form or shape.
FIGURABLE adj. capable of being brought to a fixed form or shape.
FIGURALLYfigurally adv. In a figural manner.
FIGURAL adv. represented by a figure.
FIGURANTEfigurante n. A female figurant, especially a ballet dancer.
FIGURANTE n. (Italian) a ballet-dancer, one of those who form a background for the solo dancer, also FIGURANT.
FIGURANTSfigurants n. Plural of figurant.
FIGURANT n. (Italian) a ballet dancer who dances only in groups, also FIGURANTE.
FIGURINESfigurines n. Plural of figurine.
FIGURINE n. a small modelled or sculpted figure.
FIGURISTSfigurists n. Plural of figurist.
FIGURIST n. one who uses or interprets figurative expressions.
OUTFIGUREoutfigure v. (Transitive) To outthink.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
PREFIGUREprefigure v. To show or suggest ahead of time; to represent beforehand (often used in a Biblical context).
prefigure v. To predict or foresee.
prefigure n. That which prefigures or appears to predict; a harbinger.
REFIGUREDrefigured v. Simple past tense and past participle of refigure.
REFIGURE v. to figure again.
REFIGURESREFIGURE v. to figure again.
UNFIGUREDunfigured adj. Not figured; not marked with a pattern.
unfigured adj. Not figurative; literal.
UNFIGURED adj. not figured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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