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There are 14 nine-letter words containing FARI

BIFARIOUSbifarious adj. Twofold, double.
bifarious adj. Ambiguous.
bifarious adj. (Botany) In two rows (On opposite sides of a branch etc.).
FANFARINGfanfaring v. Present participle of fanfare.
fanfaring n. Pomp or activity to call attention to something.
fanfaring n. The playing of fanfares.
MISFARINGmisfaring v. Present participle of misfare.
MISFARING n. (Spenser) wrongdoing.
NEFARIOUSnefarious adj. Sinful, villainous, criminal, or wicked, especially when noteworthy or notorious for such characteristics.
NEFARIOUS adj. evil, wicked.
RASTAFARIRastafari prop.n. Rastafarianism.
RASTAFARI n. a member of a West Indian cult which rejects western ideas and regards the Emperor Haile Selassie as divine.
SAFARIINGsafariing v. Present participle of safari.
SAFARI v. to go on a hunting expedition.
SAFARISTSsafarists n. Plural of safarist.
SAFARIST n. a person who goes on safari.
SEAFARINGseafaring adj. Living one’s life at sea.
seafaring adj. Fit to travel on the sea; seagoing.
seafaring n. The act, process, or practice of travelling the seas.
WARFARINGwarfaring v. Present participle of warfare.
warfaring n. Warfare; conflict.
WARFARING n. the business of waging war.
WARFARINSwarfarins n. Plural of warfarin.
WARFARIN n. a rat poison.
WAYFARINGwayfaring adj. Travelling, especially on foot.
wayfaring adj. Peripatetic.
wayfaring n. Travel, especially on foot.
WELFARISMwelfarism n. (Rare, derogatory) The belief in or support of a welfare state.
welfarism n. (Philosophy) An axiology or ethical theory in which value is determined by the well-being (e.g., happiness)…
WELFARISM n. the social policies characteristic of a welfare state.
WELFARISTwelfarist n. Someone who supports welfare, especially of animals.
welfarist n. A supporter of the politics or principles of the welfare state.
welfarist adj. Pertaining to support for the politics or principles of the welfare state.
WELFARITEWELFARITE n. (US) a person who is on welfare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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