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There are 11 eight-letter words containing FLUE

AFFLUENTaffluent n. Somebody who is wealthy.
affluent n. A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; a tributary stream; a tributary.
affluent adj. Abundant; copious; plenteous.
DEFLUENTdefluent adj. Running downward; decurrent.
DEFLUENT adj. running down.
EFFLUENTeffluent adj. Flowing out; outflowing.
effluent n. (Countable) A stream that flows out, such as from a lake or reservoir; an outflow; effluence.
effluent n. Sewage water that has been (partially) treated, and is released into a natural body of water; a flow…
FLUELLENfluellen n. Any plant of the genus Kickxia, that have purple and yellow flowers.
Fluellen prop.n. A surname.
FLUELLEN n. a weedy annual related to toadflax, also FLUELLIN.
FLUELLINfluellin n. (Obsolete) Any of various varieties of Veronica, especially Veronica officinalis; speedwell.
fluellin n. Alternative form of fluellen (Kickxia spp.).
FLUELLIN n. a weedy annual related to toadflax, also FLUELLEN.
FLUENCESfluences n. Plural of fluence.
FLUENCE n. the quality of being fluent, also FLUENCY.
FLUENTLYfluently adv. In a fluent manner, as expressing oneself easily, especially in a foreign language.
fluently adv. In a fluent manner, as having graceful movements.
fluently adv. In a fluent manner, as literally flowing.
FLUERICSfluerics n. A subfield of fluidics, dealing with fluid components that perform functions not requiring the use of moving parts.
FLUERICS n. the technology of using fluid jets analogously to electricity, also FLUIDICS.
FLUEWORKfluework n. A system of organ stops in which the sound is caused by wind passing through a flue or fissure and striking…
FLUEWORK n. flue pipes.
INFLUENTinfluent n. A stream which flows into another stream or a lake.
influent n. Fluids flowing in.
influent n. (Ecology) An organism having an important effect on a plant or animal community.
REFLUENTrefluent adj. (Now literary) Flowing back.
REFLUENT adj. flowing back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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