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There are 15 eight-letter words containing FLER

BAFFLERSbafflers n. Plural of baffler.
BAFFLER n. a person who or thing which baffles.
MUFFLERSmufflers n. Plural of muffler.
MUFFLER n. a thick scarf, collar, etc.
PIFFLERSpifflers n. Plural of piffler.
PIFFLER n. one who talks nonsense.
PURFLERSPURFLER n. something or someone that purfles.
RAFFLERSrafflers n. Plural of raffler.
RAFFLER n. one who raffles.
RIFFLERSrifflers n. Plural of riffler.
RIFFLER n. a small file with curved ends used in woodworking.
RUFFLERSrufflers n. Plural of ruffler.
RUFFLER n. a beggar posing as a maimed soldier or sailor.
SCUFFLERscuffler n. One who scuffles.
scuffler n. An agricultural implement resembling a scarifier, but usually lighter.
SCUFFLER n. one who scuffles.
SHUFFLERshuffler n. A person who shuffles.
shuffler n. A machine that shuffles.
shuffler n. Any of the three common American scaup ducks.
SNIFFLERsniffler n. A person who sniffles.
sniffler n. A slight breeze.
SNIFFLER n. one who sniffles; a light breeze.
SNUFFLERsnuffler n. One who snuffles.
SNUFFLER n. a person who snuffles.
STIFLERSstiflers n. Plural of stifler.
STIFLER n. one who, or that which, stifles.
TRIFLERStriflers n. Plural of trifler.
TRIFLER n. one who trifles.
WAFFLERSwafflers n. Plural of waffler.
WAFFLER n. one who waffles.
WHIFFLERwhiffler n. (Obsolete) One who whiffles, or frequently changes their course or opinion.
whiffler n. (Obsolete) One who argues evasively; a trifler.
whiffler n. (Obsolete) One who plays on a whiffle; a fifer or piper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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