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There are 12 seven-letter words containing FLER

BAFFLERbaffler n. Something that causes one to be baffled, particularly a difficult puzzle or riddle.
baffler n. One of the projections inside a dice tower that serve to deflect the die unpredictably.
BAFFLER n. a person who or thing which baffles.
MUFFLERmuffler n. (US, automotive) Part of the exhaust pipe of a car that dampens the noise the engine produces.
muffler n. A silencer or suppressor fitted to a gun.
muffler n. A type of scarf.
PIFFLERpiffler n. A blathering fool.
PIFFLER n. one who talks nonsense.
PURFLERPURFLER n. something or someone that purfles.
RAFFLERraffler n. One who raffles.
RAFFLER n. one who raffles.
RIFFLERriffler n. A mechanical device consisting of a metal box with a series of vertical slats through which material…
riffler n. A curved file used in carving wood and marble.
RIFFLER n. a small file with curved ends used in woodworking.
RIFLERSriflers n. Plural of rifler.
RIFLER n. a hawk that grasps only feathers in striking at the quarry.
RIFLERYriflery n. The practice of firing a rifle, especially in precision target shooting.
RIFLERY n. the practice of shooting at targets with a rifle.
RUFFLERruffler n. (Historical) ruffian, bully, villain; especially a 16th-17th century vagabond operating under the guise…
ruffler n. Swaggerer.
ruffler n. A sewing machine attachment for making ruffles.
STIFLERstifler n. One who, or that which, stifles; one who represses or limits.
stifler n. (Military) A camouflet.
STIFLER n. one who, or that which, stifles.
TRIFLERtrifler n. One who trifles, or treats something as inconsequential.
trifler n. A pewterer who produced small pewter utensils such as salt cellars.
TRIFLER n. one who trifles.
WAFFLERwaffler n. One who waffles, or changes sides or positions frequently.
waffler n. One who waffles or rambles; a vague, unfocused speaker or writer.
waffler n. A waffle iron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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