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There are 19 six-letter words containing FUN

DEFUNDdefund v. (Transitive, chiefly US) To cancel funding for.
DEFUND v. to remove funding from.
FUNDEDfunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of fund.
funded adj. Having received financial support; paid for.
funded adj. (Finance) Invested in public funds; existing in the form of bonds.
FUNDERfunder n. One who funds.
FUNDER n. a financial backer.
FUNDICfundic adj. Relating to a fundus.
FUNDIC adj. relating to the fundus, the inner basal surface farthest from the opening (as in the eye).
FUNDIEfundie n. (Derogatory, slang) A fundamentalist Christian.
fundie n. (By extension, derogatory, slang) A religious fundamentalist of any faith.
FUNDIE n. (Australian slang) a fundamental Christian.
FUNDISfundis n. Plural of fundi.
FUNDI n. in South Africa, an expert.
FUNDUSfundus n. (Anatomy) the large, hollow part of an organ farthest from an opening; especially.
FUNDUS n. (Latin) the inner basal surface of a bodily organ.
FUNESTfunest adj. (Now rare) Causing death or disaster; fatal, catastrophic; deplorable, lamentable.
FUNEST adj. portending death or evil.
FUNGALfungal adj. Of or pertaining to a fungus or fungi.
FUNGAL adj. relating to fungi e.g. a fungal infection.
FUNGAL n. a fungus.
FUNGICfungic adj. (Chemistry) Pertaining to, or obtained from, mushrooms.
FUNGIC adj. pertaining to a fungus, also FUNGOUS.
FUNGOSFUNGO n. a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball.
FUNGUSfungus n. (Mycology) Any member of the kingdom Fungi; a eukaryotic organism typically having chitin cell walls…
fungus n. (Now rare, pathology) A spongy, abnormal excrescence, such as excessive granulation tissue formed in a wound.
FUNGUS n. (Latin) any of the major group of lower plants.
FUNKEDfunked v. Simple past tense and past participle of funk.
FUNK v. to shrink back in fear.
FUNKERfunker n. One who funks, or backs out of something due to cowardice.
FUNKER n. one who funks.
FUNKIAfunkia n. Any of the plants of the genus Funkia (now Hosta).
Funkia prop.n. (Obsolete) The genus Hosta.
FUNKIA n. (German) any plant of an East Asiatic genus allied to the daylilies, now called hosta, also FUNCKIA.
FUNNEDfunned v. Simple past tense and past participle of fun.
FUN v. to act playfully.
FUNNELfunnel n. A utensil in the shape of an inverted hollow cone terminating in a narrow pipe, for channeling liquids…
funnel n. A passage or avenue for a fluid or flowing substance; specifically, a smoke flue or pipe; the chimney…
funnel v. (Transitive) To use a funnel.
FUNNERfunner adj. (Nonstandard) comparative form of fun: more fun.
FUN adj. providing enjoyment.
REFUNDrefund v. (Transitive) To return (money) to (someone); to reimburse.
refund v. (Transitive, obsolete) To supply (someone) again with funds.
refund v. (Transitive, obsolete, rare) To pour back (something).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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