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There are 9 six-letter words containing FAM

DEFAMEdefame v. To disgrace; to bring into disrepute.
defame v. (Now chiefly historical) To charge; to accuse (someone) of an offence.
defame v. To harm or diminish the reputation of; to disparage.
FAMILYfamily n. (Countable) A group of people who are closely related to one another (by blood, marriage or adoption);…
family n. (Countable) An extended family: a group of people who are related to one another by blood or marriage.
family n. (Countable) A nuclear family: a mother and father who are married and cohabiting and their child or children.
FAMINEfamine n. (Uncountable) Extreme shortage of food in a region.
famine n. (Countable) A period of extreme shortage of food in a region.
famine n. (Dated) Starvation or malnutrition.
FAMINGfaming v. Present participle of fame.
FAME v. to make famous.
FAMISHfamish v. (Obsolete, transitive) To starve (to death); to kill or destroy with hunger.
famish v. (Transitive) To exhaust the strength or endurance of, by hunger; to cause to be very hungry.
famish v. (Transitive) To kill, or to cause great suffering to, by depriving or denying anything necessary.
FAMOUSfamous adj. Well known.
famous adj. In the public eye.
famous v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make famous; to bring renown to.
FAMULIfamuli n. Plural of famulus.
FAMULUS n. (Latin) an assistant, esp. to a magician or a scholar.
INFAMEinfame v. (Transitive, obsolete) To defame; to make infamous.
INFAME v. (archaic) to defame.
INFAMYinfamy n. The state of being infamous.
infamy n. A reprehensible occurrence or situation.
infamy n. (Law) A stigma attaching to a person’s character that disqualifies them from being a witness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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