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There are 8 five-letter words containing FAI

FAIKSFAIK v. (Scots) to abate.
FAILSfails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fail.
fails n. Plural of fail.
Fails prop.n. Plural of Fail.
FAINEfaine n. Obsolete spelling of fane.
faine v. Obsolete spelling of fain.
FAINE v. (Spenser) to feign, also FAIN, FAYNE.
FAINSfains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fain.
Fains prop.n. Plural of Fain.
FAIN v. (Spenser) to feign.
FAINTfaint adj. (Of a being) Lacking strength; weak; languid; inclined to lose consciousness.
faint adj. Lacking courage, spirit, or energy; cowardly; dejected.
faint adj. Barely perceptible; not bright, or loud, or sharp.
FAIRSfairs n. Plural of fair.
Fairs prop.n. A surname.
FAIR v. to make fair.
FAIRYfairy n. (Uncountable, obsolete) The realm of faerie; enchantment, illusion.
fairy n. A mythical being with magical powers, known in many sizes and descriptions, although often depicted…
fairy n. An enchantress, or creature of overpowering charm.
FAITHfaith n. A trust or confidence in the intentions or abilities of a person, object, or ideal from prior empirical evidence.
faith n. A conviction about abstractions, ideas, or beliefs, without empirical evidence, experience, or observation.
faith n. A religious or spiritual belief system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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