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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing FUG

CALCIFUGOUScalcifugous adj. Synonym of calcifugal.
CALCIFUGOUS adj. like a calcifuge, a plant that will not tolerate limy soil, also CALCIFUGAL.
CENTRIFUGALcentrifugal adj. Tending, or causing, to recede from the center.
centrifugal adj. (Botany) Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base, as a flower cluster.
centrifugal adj. (Botany) Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos.
CENTRIFUGEDcentrifuged v. Simple past tense and past participle of centrifuge.
CENTRIFUGE v. to subject to centrifugal action esp. in a centrifuge.
CENTRIFUGEScentrifuges n. Plural of centrifuge.
CENTRIFUGE v. to subject to centrifugal action esp. in a centrifuge.
FUGACIOUSLYfugaciously adv. In a fugacious way.
FUGACIOUS adv. lasting a short time, evanescent.
FUGGINESSESFUGGINESS n. the state of being fuggy.
FUGITATIONSfugitations n. Plural of fugitation.
FUGITATION n. in Scots law, absconding from justice.
FUGITOMETERFUGITOMETER n. an instrument used for measuring the fastness to light of dyed materials.
INSECTIFUGEinsectifuge n. A substance that protects against insects.
INSECTIFUGE n. insect repellent.
REFUGEEISMSREFUGEEISM n. the state of being a refugee.
SUBTERFUGESsubterfuges n. Plural of subterfuge.
SUBTERFUGE n. deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal or evade.
TAENIAFUGEStaeniafuges n. Plural of taeniafuge.
TAENIAFUGE n. a substance, e.g. a drug, for expelling tapeworms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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