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There are 16 words containing ERATIVELY

ALLITERATIVELYalliteratively adv. In an alliterative manner.
ALLITERATIVE adv. of, relating to, or marked by alliteration.
COMMISERATIVELYcommiseratively adv. In a commiserative manner.
COMMISERATIVE adv. showing commiseration.
CONSIDERATIVELYCONSIDERATIVE adv. thoughtful; prudent; considerate.
COOPERATIVELYcooperatively adv. In a cooperative manner; working with others on a task as part of a team.
coöperatively adv. Alternative form of cooperatively.
co-operatively adv. Alternative spelling of cooperatively.
DELIBERATIVELYdeliberatively adv. In a deliberative manner.
DELIBERATIVE adv. relating to deliberation.
FEDERATIVELYfederatively adv. In a federative way.
FEDERATIVE adv. uniting in a confederacy; federal.
IMPERATIVELYimperatively adv. In an imperative manner.
IMPERATIVE adv. expressive of command, advice or request.
ITERATIVELYiteratively adv. In an iterative manner; using iteration.
ITERATIVE adv. repeating, iterating, also ITERANT.
OPERATIVELYoperatively adv. In an operative manner.
OPERATIVE adv. having the power of operating or acting.
POSTOPERATIVELYpostoperatively adv. In a postoperative context; after surgery.
POSTOPERATIVE adv. following a surgical operation.
PREOPERATIVELYpreoperatively adv. In a preoperative context; before surgery.
PREOPERATIVE adv. occurring before a surgical operation.
REGENERATIVELYregeneratively adv. In a regenerative way.
REGENERATIVE adv. serving to regenerate.
REITERATIVELYreiteratively adv. In a reiterative manner; by means of reiteration.
REITERATIVE adv. repeating.
REMUNERATIVELYremuneratively adv. In a remunerative manner.
REMUNERATIVE adv. serving to remunerate.
UNCOOPERATIVELYuncooperatively adv. In an uncooperative manner.
UNCOOPERATIVE adv. not cooperative.
VITUPERATIVELYvituperatively adv. In a vituperative manner.
VITUPERATIVE adv. uttering or given to censure, also VITUPERATORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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