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There are 17 words containing ERATIONIS

OPERATIONISMoperationism n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that the meaning of a term consists of the operation(s) performed in defining it.
OPERATIONISM n. the theory that defines scientific concepts by means of the operations used to prove or determine them, also OPERATIONALISM.
OPERATIONISToperationist n. A proponent of operationism.
OPERATIONIST n. an adherent of operationism.
GENERATIONISMgenerationism n. The belief that a specific generation has inherent traits making it inferior or superior to another generation.
generationism n. (Theology) traducianism.
GENERATIONISM n. the theory that the soul is transmitted to a child in the act of generation or concomitantly with its body.
LIBERATIONISMliberationism n. A belief in, or policy of, liberation.
LIBERATIONISM n. the cause of social freedom and equality for sections of society believed to be underprivileged or discriminated against.
LIBERATIONISTliberationist n. A person who works or advocates for liberation.
liberationist n. A person in favour of church disestablishment.
LIBERATIONIST n. a believer in liberation.
OPERATIONISMSoperationisms n. Plural of operationism.
OPERATIONISM n. the theory that defines scientific concepts by means of the operations used to prove or determine them, also OPERATIONALISM.
OPERATIONISTSoperationists n. Plural of operationist.
OPERATIONIST n. an adherent of operationism.
TOLERATIONISMtolerationism n. A policy of toleration.
TOLERATIONISM n. the policy of tolerance.
TOLERATIONISTtolerationist n. An advocate of tolerationism.
TOLERATIONIST n. a believer in tolerationism.
COOPERATIONISTCOOPERATIONIST n. one who believes in cooperation.
GENERATIONISMSGENERATIONISM n. the theory that the soul is transmitted to a child in the act of generation or concomitantly with its body.
LIBERATIONISMSliberationisms n. Plural of liberationism.
LIBERATIONISM n. the cause of social freedom and equality for sections of society believed to be underprivileged or discriminated against.
LIBERATIONISTSliberationists n. Plural of liberationist.
LIBERATIONIST n. a believer in liberation.
TOLERATIONISMSTOLERATIONISM n. the policy of tolerance.
TOLERATIONISTStolerationists n. Plural of tolerationist.
TOLERATIONIST n. a believer in tolerationism.
COOPERATIONISTSCOOPERATIONIST n. one who believes in cooperation.
DEGENERATIONISTdegenerationist n. (Biology, historical) One who believes in the theory of degenerationism.
DEGENERATIONIST n. someone who believes that the tendency of man is not to improve, but to degenerate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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