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There are 6 words containing ETACENTR

METACENTREmetacentre n. (Physics, nautical) The point where a vertical line through a tilted vessel’s center of buoyancy intersects…
METACENTRE n. a term in physics relating to centres of gravity of a body floating in liquid, also METACENTER.
METACENTRESmetacentres n. Plural of metacentre.
METACENTRE n. a term in physics relating to centres of gravity of a body floating in liquid, also METACENTER.
METACENTRICmetacentric adj. Of or pertaining to a metacenter.
metacentric adj. (Genetics) Of a chromosome: having the centromere approximately in the middle, such that the two arms…
metacentric n. A metacentric chromosome.
METACENTRICSmetacentrics n. Plural of metacentric.
METACENTRIC n. a chromosome having the centromere approximately in the middle, such that the two arms are of similar length.
SUBMETACENTRICsubmetacentric adj. (Cytology) (of a chromosome) having the centromere between one end and the middle, and thus having a…
submetacentric n. A submetacentric chromosome.
SUBMETACENTRIC n. a chromosome having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other.
SUBMETACENTRICSsubmetacentrics n. Plural of submetacentric.
SUBMETACENTRIC n. a chromosome having the centromere situated so that one chromosome arm is somewhat shorter than the other.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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