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There are 16 words containing ENDERING

GENDERINGgendering v. Present participle of gender.
gendering n. The assignment of gender to something or somebody.
GENDER v. (archaic) to beget.
RENDERINGrendering n. The act or process by which something is rendered.
rendering n. Version; translation.
rendering n. Sketch, illustration, or painting.
TENDERINGtendering v. Present participle of tender.
tendering n. The offering of a tender, or bid.
TENDERING n. the act of offering.
RENDERINGSrenderings n. Plural of rendering.
RENDERING n. a first coat of plaster etc.
TENDERINGStenderings n. Plural of tendering.
TENDERING n. the act of offering.
CALENDERINGcalendering v. Present participle of calender.
calendering n. The process of pressing paper, etc. in a calender.
CALENDERING n. pressing paper or cloth with a calender.
DEGENDERINGdegendering v. Present participle of degender.
DEGENDER v. (Spenser) to degenerate.
ENGENDERINGengendering v. Present participle of engender.
engendering n. The act by which something is engendered.
ENGENDER v. to bring into existence.
ENTENDERINGentendering v. Present participle of entender.
ENTENDER v. (obsolete) to make tender or weaken, also INTENDER.
INTENDERINGintendering v. Present participle of intender.
INTENDER v. (obsolete) to make tender or weaken, also ENTENDER.
LAVENDERINGlavendering v. Present participle of lavender.
LAVENDER v. to perfume with lavender.
CALENDERINGScalenderings n. Plural of calendering.
CALENDERING n. pressing paper or cloth with a calender.
MISGENDERINGmisgendering v. Present participle of misgender.
misgendering n. The act of referring to somebody by the wrong gender.
MISGENDER v. to refer to (a person) using a pronoun or title that does not correspond with that person's gender identity.
MISRENDERINGmisrendering v. Present participle of misrender.
misrendering n. An incorrect rendering.
MISRENDER v. to render wrongly; to translate or recite wrongly.
PROVENDERINGprovendering v. Present participle of provender.
PROVENDER v. to supply with provender.
SURRENDERINGsurrendering v. Present participle of surrender.
surrendering n. An act of surrender.
SURRENDER v. to yield, give up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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