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There are 16 words containing EFORMATI

DEFORMATIONdeformation n. The act of deforming, or state of being deformed.
deformation n. A transformation; change of shape.
DEFORMATION n. alteration of form or shape.
DEFORMATIONALdeformational adj. Pertaining to, due to, or causing deformation.
DEFORMATIONAL adj. relating to deformation.
DEFORMATIONSdeformations n. Plural of deformation.
DEFORMATION n. alteration of form or shape.
DEFORMATIVEDEFORMATIVE adj. tending to deform.
PREFORMATIONpreformation n. Prior formation.
preformation n. (Biology, historical) The theory that organisms are fully developed in the form of an egg or seed, and…
PREFORMATION n. previous formation.
PREFORMATIONISMpreformationism n. (Biology) the theory that all organisms start their existence already in a predetermined form upon conception…
PREFORMATIONISM n. the now exploded theory that the plant or animal (and therefore all its descendants) is already preformed in the germ.
PREFORMATIONISTpreformationist n. (Biology, historical) A proponent of the theory of preformationism.
PREFORMATIONIST adj. relating to preformation.
PREFORMATIONSpreformations n. Plural of preformation.
PREFORMATION n. previous formation.
PREFORMATIVEpreformative n. Chiefly in Semitic languages: a formative letter, syllable, etc., at the beginning of a word.
preformative adj. Of or pertaining to preformation.
preformative adj. Of a thing: forming or affecting something that comes later.
PREFORMATIVESpreformatives n. Plural of preformative.
PREFORMATIVE n. a prefixture in Semitic languages.
REFORMATIONreformation n. An improvement (or an intended improvement) in the existing form or condition of institutions or practices…
reformation n. (Law) Change or correction, by a court in equity, to a written instrument to conform to the original…
Reformation prop.n. (Historical) The religious movement initiated in the 16th century against the Roman Catholic Church.
REFORMATIONALreformational adj. Of or pertaining to reformation.
REFORMATIONAL adj. relating to reformation.
REFORMATIONISTREFORMATIONIST n. a supporter of reformation.
REFORMATIONISTSREFORMATIONIST n. a supporter of reformation.
REFORMATIONSreformations n. Plural of reformation.
re-formations n. Plural of re-formation.
REFORMATION n. the act of reforming.
REFORMATIVEreformative adj. That serves to reform or correct.
REFORMATIVE adj. intended or tending to reform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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